About Us
Flame Academy is the learning platform from Flame Aviation, which offers online courses for cabin attendants, fire trainimg instructors and technicians to use, install and maintain Flame Aviations next-generation fire trainers!

Our Story
The story started in 2012 when the flight operations director from a fast-growing Eastern European airline was looking for a sophisticated cabin fire trainer to replace the barbeque-style fire trainer they were using up to then. Their desire was to train in a realistic cabin environment and train realistic scenario's in order to provide their cabin crew with the knowledge, skills and confidence to fight fires in the cabin. Flame Aviation's founder, Robin Pijnaker was't able to find exactly the kind of equipment in the market the airline was looking for. A subsitute was purchased instead. Two years later, Flame Aviation created the first cabin fire trainer in the world capable of simulating realistic cabin fire scenarios. For this purpose experienced staff from several reputable airlines where invited to give their views, share experiences and address their operational needs. The result was a blueprint of the next-generation cabin fire and smoke trainer.

While supplying fire training equipment to airlines and training centers, there came up a strong demand for up-to-date and comprehensive fire training theory programs. Most programs were outdated or incomplete. That when Flame Aviation started to develop together with industry professionals course for fire training theory, practical fire training scenarios etc.
Today, the Flame Academy also offers courses for the installation and maintenance of Flame aviation’s fire training equipment to airlines and training centers around the world!